Mission mostly accomplished...
Friday, March 31, 2006
I think I’m getting the hang of this new blog site. Thanks to Jackie (thanks Jackie!) it took me only 1:45 minutes to get my links up and running. I like the look of this site better than xanga, but I’ll admit, its a bit more complex.
Anyway... the weekend.
I have the window open in my office, and the spring is beckoning me. I want to go outside so badly. It's hard to get excited about spreadsheets when its 60 degrees.
Aside from watching Chicken Little tonight, which Andy is more than excited about, we have no plans for the weekend. We are continuing on with our Church search 2006. This week: Portland Vineyard. I hope it's good!
I've started doing devotions at work now. So I’m off to do them.
Have a great weekend!
[Side note]: anyone have any experience with digital scrapbooking?
posted by Andy and Amanda Wheeler @ 3/31/2006 01:08:00 PM,