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The Partington's

Andrew, Leah and Rachel - Christmas '03

Rachel, Leah and Andrew - October '06

These are the children who I used to nanny. Haven't they grown? I'm so thankful I can "watch them grow" on their parents website. Robert and Melissa are in full time ministry in VA. They made this extensive list of morally approved children's books on their page (check under "public" if you’re interested).

It was great working with Christian parents. Their modeling of a Christian family is invaluable to me. I just wish they were closer!

In other news, The Rock Church's annual Ladies Classic Christmas is rapidly approaching. I've decided to invite my MIL. I think it will be a good relationship building time.

Well, time to start the day. Have a great one!

posted by Andy and Amanda Wheeler @ 11/21/2006 08:43:00 AM,


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