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Pastor Reed, my pastor from "home' had a triple bipass on Wednesday. My father called today with the news. He made it through surgery ok (his son Chris assisted...handy to have a surgeon for a son!). He's not out of the woods yet though - you know it's bad when you get transported to Syracuse. Back home thats code for "The Good Samaritan in Watertown can't handle it - bring in the big guns".

Jehovah Raffa, Lord who heals please bring fast recovery to Pastor Reed. Be with his wife, Carol and son Chris. Help them to look to you for strength. Lord, be with the doctors and nurses in Syracuse. Give them wisdom when making decisions. Father thank you for your faithfulness and power to heal. Amen.

posted by Andy and Amanda Wheeler @ 10/06/2006 08:59:00 PM,


At 10:00 AM, Blogger Linda said...

Will keep your pastor from "home" in prayer.
Zoe has always drooled, now it more like slobbering. It just seems to run out of her mouth.
Being a wet mouthed dog ( a drooler) is something I used to find endearing.....this new slobbering is not the least bit cute. With both Zoe and Matt doing it I find I am constantly wiping someone's mouth!


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