Summer Vacation
Monday, June 12, 2006
Friday was my last day of work until August 15th - Ahhhh. I love having the summers off. I still have to go into the office maybe once a week, but not for a full day. I really enjoy being at home.
Andy likes it too! Dinners seem to be much better quality when I've been home for the full day.
Andy's Mom, whose a computer teacher her in Maine, is getting us two fairly new Apple laptops next week. They are getting new ones, and the state has authorized the sale of the old ones! So for $50 dollars we get 2004 laptops. I'm pretty happy about it. Andy is dying to get wireless internet, so we can be online outside. I can't wait!
Andy's Dad is coming tomorrow for Andy's birthday. They are bringing their new ShitZu puppies: Moses and Millie. I'm not sure how Molly will react without the full attention on her. I'm making Andy's cake today: Dark chocolate fudge with Dark Chocolate butter cream frosting, fresh raspberries and hazelnuts on top. I'll have to post a picture when I'm finished.
Well, i'm off to tackle the laundry pile. It's amazing how much two people go through in a week!
posted by Andy and Amanda Wheeler @ 6/12/2006 07:08:00 AM,