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Day 2

This is day 2 of getting up early and exercising. I'm trying to do treadmill every other day, and some sort of aerobics on the off days. Today was aerobics day.

I thought I was going to have to go out an buy some new workout DVD's but low and behold we have FitTV on cable. I had no idea! I taped a few shows yesterday for free! I love some of my old favorite videos, but Andy has rid our house of all VCR's (old technology apparently).

This morning I rolled around the living room on my fitness ball, did crunches, leg lifts and then 25 minutes of grueling step aerobics. I am so sore. SO sore. I'm so glad I work out in the privacy of my own home though. Ha. This morning on the program the instructor had us do push ups on the ball and then sort of walk up it with our rear in the air. It was very challenging and surely not a pretty sight.

It's been hard to be disciplined about eating healthy food as well. It takes a lot longer to make something nutritious rather than grab something and go. Changes are never easy, but we're getting there!

posted by Amanda Wheeler @ 2/12/2008 09:18:00 AM,


At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you! I don't mind exercising, but if I don't see INSTANT results, I give up easily.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Linda said...

You go girl! I try to exercise, Susan brought my treadmill up from the basement but between my back and my knee pain, I am not getting too far.


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