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Friday blues.......

*Keep Rebekah in Prayer*

I've been in a bad mood for about three days, and I can't seem to snap out of it. I'm just stressed out - I started a new job (which I love!), but am still working Friday's at my old job. I know it's not my responsibility anymore, but I worry about the workload at camp. My old boss hasn't even starting looking for a replacement yet and that puts pressure on me to get a lot done in one day!

I'm also grumpy because up until two weeks ago, I’ve had the summer off. It's hard to adjust to things at home. I do all the cooking and the majority of the cleaning. My husband is used to that, but now I want some help and he's not quick to offer a hand. We've been fighting a lot about that this week.

We haven't had a day to relax in almost a month. Andy's Mom has required constant care on weekends, and we've had a ton of problems with our car this month (we have another appt at Midas tomorrow!). So that adds stress!

On top of everything our dog Molly has a UTI, so she has been peeing all over the place (mostly in the kitchen, thank God!). I can't get a vet to look at her until Tuesday b/c of the holiday weekend, which means three more days of this.

This week we read about fasting in bible study. I've never been too hot on the idea, but I don't honestly know much about it. Sure, I’ve done 30-hour famines here and there over the years, but I don't feel I’ve ever been called to fast. The idea seems appealing to me now though. Can anyone explain to me why we fast? Or fasting stories?

posted by Andy and Amanda Wheeler @ 9/01/2006 01:14:00 PM,


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