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I got up early this morning and took the dog for a walk. I love the first part of morning. We walked around the yard and a little way up the icy street. Much to my surprise, upon our return I saw the pair of cardinals that visited us for a few weeks last summer. I hadn't seen them since…..until today. They are my absolute favorite bird. I like the pretend they are married, because they are always together and always squawking. Their red fur looked amazing against the newly fallen snow. I wish I had the camera.

Speaking of red…strawberry crepes are in the works for breakfast! Andy is still sleeping, so I hope to surprise him.

We watched World Trade Center last night. I had a hard time getting through it. It was well done and not political which was a relief. Our Pastor is doing a sermon series on the film (I have the inside track) so I wanted to watch it before Sunday. Let’s all hold our loved ones tighter today! :)

Andy and I get to watch little Elliot tonight while Aaron and Kelly enjoy a night out. I can’t wait!

Have a restful, wonderful Saturday!

posted by Amanda Wheeler @ 3/03/2007 08:39:00 AM,


At 10:00 AM, Blogger Linda said...

Well, aren't we the busy one this morning. Strawberry crepes, YUM.
We put feeders on our porch so Matt could watch the birds. He loves it! There are a pair of cardinals and a pair of blue jays that frequent well as a silly squirrel who makes Matty squeal with delight at watching his antics to get something out of the feeder.
That Elliot is absolutely adorable.

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you know I've never had a crepe?! They always sound wonderful, but then I figure my kids will probably enjoy pancakes more so we go with the tried and true. One day I'll just have to try my hand at a crepe because I think I would love them!


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