Puppy pedicure
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Molly detests having her nails clipped. I've tried everything; everything that is except Daddy (re: Andy – I know we’re silly).
For me Molly bucks like a wild horse. Growling and running away at the slightest glimpse of the clippers. She even runs away if I reach for the something on the same shelf.
Not once have I ever hurt her nail. I'm very careful with her.
Saturday, Andy decided it's time for a clip. He put Molly on his lap and was putty. She just let him cut away with not so much as an eye-roll.
I guess I know my place in the pecking order.
Labels: Grooming, Molly the basset
posted by Amanda Wheeler @ 6/24/2007 02:50:00 PM,
- At 7:39 AM, said...
ugh, nail clipping! My dog hope isn't too bad about it, she doesnt like it, but she'll let me do all of them in one sitting if i promise to rub her belly a little in between paws:) Now my bf's dog Cujo, he's another story, (he's a rottweiler) and it take me to rub his belly and keep the squirming to a minimum while john clips. There is much vocal protesting and he growls in a grumpy way poor doggy !
- At 9:36 AM, Linda said...
I was always afraid to clip Zoe's nails (or any of the other "girls" for that matter) I always had them clipped when she went to the groomer for baths.
Our daughter Susan has a dog that will actually put out her paw and get her nails clipped. When they finish with one they tell her OK, and she puts out another paw.
I am convinced the dogs know what they can get away with and with whom. Zoe never gave Wm. the grief she gave me.