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Andy and I helped with the teens yesterday. They are raising money for Superbowl 2006 by doing odd jobs around the house for people in church. Starting at 8am we stacked a cord of wood, then raked, and raked and raked, and finally finished with washing windows. We had two of the girls: Chelsey and Samantha who we treated to Chinese
food for lunch. They did a great job. We are all looking forward to having a good time at Superbowl (Andy and I are chaperoning).

You can see all of the pictures here!

We've been really busy this week with meetings. Today i'm trying to catch up on housework, so we can do it all over again tomorrow!

I'm trying this for dinner tonight! Only 6 points!

Well i'm off to do laundry, dishes and get caught up on my reading! Have a wonderful, restful Sunday.

Also - I need ideas for Christmas bulletin boards at church.

posted by Andy and Amanda Wheeler @ 10/22/2006 01:12:00 PM,


At 8:23 PM, Blogger Linda said...

Great pix. Sounds like you are one busy lady. How is your time at Curves going?
MRI went OK. Had some technical problems and ended up repeating 2 of the long sets. I have not heard back from the doctor on that one yet. My consult with the surgeon is Tues. morning.
Did the laundry upstairs this weekend. What a difference! Much less aggravation on this poor old body with all it's aches and pains.


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